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생물자원의 미래를 만들어가는 국립호남권생물자원관

Opening Hours 09:30 ~ 17: 30
Ticket You can buy tickets until 4:30 PM
Admission Fee
Category Fee Remark
Adult Individual ₩ 2,000 ∙ Adult (ages 19 to 64), Youth (ages 13 to 18), Child (ages 5 to 12)

- Discount -
∙ 50% discount for Mokpo Citizens (ID card required)
∙ 50% discount for multi-child families (all family members with at least three underaged children) (A copy of resident registration required)
∙ 30% discount for Green Card holders (holders only)

- free entry -
∙ People under age 4, and 65 or older (ID card or driver’s license required)
∙ People with disabilities (including one caregiver accompanying the disabled grade 1 to 3) (Certificate of registration for persons with disability required)
∙ People of national merit or Independence Patriot, May 18 Democratic Uprising veterans and their children (National Merit Certificate required)
∙ Recipients of basic living, a child head of household, lower income family (Certificate for basic living recipients, certificate of lower income family required)
∙ Residents of Gohado, Mokpo-si where the HNIBR is located. (ID card required)
∙ Members of the HNIBR (Member ID required)
∙ One leader for every 10 people under age 4
∙ One leader for every 20 children and adolescent
* Visitors who wish to receive free admission and discounts must provide required documents.
Group ₩ 1,000
Youth Individual ₩ 1,000
Group ₩ 500
Child(under 4 years old) Individual free
Group free
Senior citizens Individual free
Group free
Preferred customer Individual free
Group free
  • Every Monday. However, if Monday is a public holiday, the first weekday after the public holiday
  • 1st January, day before and on the day of Lunar New Year & Chuseok
  • Establishment Date of the HNIBR (21 Aug)
  • A date designated by the President of the HNIBR
Caution Please keep the followings for pleasant viewing and preventing safety accidents.
  • Smoking is prohibited in all areas.
    Please use the smoking booths when smoking.
  • Please keep quiet and refrain from running around at the exhibition halls.
  • Foods are not allowed in the exhibition halls.
  • Please do not touch the exhibits and refrain from actions that may cause damage on them.
  • Companion animals other than guide dogs for the blind are not allowed to enter the exhibition halls.
  • For the protection of samples, shooting using a flash is prohibited.
  • Cooking is prohibited in all areas.
  • To prevent accidents, riding electric kickboards, bicycles, etc. is prohibited in all areas (Neither indoor nor outdoor).
Guide Tour
Round Time
(80 min)
Disinfection(20 min) Maximum number of participants
Total 500
Round 1 09:30 ~ 10:40 10:40 ~ 11:00 100
Round 2 11:00 ~ 12:10 12:10 ~ 12:30 100
Round 3 13:00 ~ 14:10 14:10 ~ 14:30 100
Round 4 14:30 ~ 15:40 15:40 ~ 16:00 100
Round 5 16:00 ~ 17:30(90min) 100